We would like to take a moment to recognize the Richmond Community Schools Technology Department in honor of National Technology Day! We sincerely appreciate all the hard work and dedication they put into supporting the staff and students of Richmond Community Schools. Thanks to (from left to right) Eric Lamont - Richmond High School, Lisa Rands - Will L. Lee Elementary, and Ian O'Neill at Richmond Middle School for their outstanding contributions.

Mrs. Selby’s 4th grade scientists made waves today during science. They created and observed waves made with a rope & spring toy. Then, they recorded their observations in their science investigation notebooks.

Ms. Hann’s 4th graders used rope to replicate sounds waves with a partner today during science!

Students in Ms. Gallagher’s 6/7 STEAM class presented their Farm Minecraft project to their classmates. Their farms included, crops, animals, barns, water source, food source for the animals, and a farmhouse.

Pink Out 2024!

RMS Spanish 1 students completed a quick dot to dot activity. The students challenged their partner to remember the letters of the alphabet.
Yo sé el alfabeto. ¡Olé!

Mrs. Mayer’s Science classes had fun while learning about the importance of protective eyewear during their “Scrambled Eyes” lab!

Mrs. Rush’s class celebrated U.S. Constitution Day by watching a video and going on a scavenger hunt.

For constitution day, Mrs. Selby’s class went on a constitution fact scavenger hunt around the classroom. They searched for facts with their partners and answered questions together.

Mrs. Bacon's 6th grade science classes practice science lab safety rules with Playdoh!

Big Football Game this Friday!
The Athletic Boosters are still looking for volunteers to help at the Concession Stand.
Use the link below to sign up and get involved.

This Week in Blue Devil Athletics

RMS Spanish 1 students enjoyed the Kagan strategy "inside outside circles."
Students greeted each partner, asked for favorite colors, told their own favorite color, and bid each other farewell. ALL in Spanish. Mrs. Gardner witnessed a lot of encouragement between partners and teams! Great job!

Fourth grade STEAM students started off their physics unit by designing and building a rocket out of legos. They will learn about potential and kinetic energy, as well as how gravity affects the movement of certain objects. Way to go fourth grade engineers!! 🚀

Fifth grade STEAM students started out their Force and Motion unit by designing and building a Lego car. They used the engineering process to ask, imagine, plan, create, test, and improve their cars. They will apply what they learned from the Lego car challenge to construct a car made completely out of pasta! Great job 5th grade engineers! đźš—

Mrs. Buchanan’s 5th grade math students kicked off their first math lesson of the year by using the Kagan strategy “Showdown!” to review place value.

Richmond Community Schools is hiring!
The following position(s) are now available:
• Special Education Paraprofessional - Elementary (2 Positions)
• First Lego League Coach - Middle School
• Speech / Language Pathologist
• Math Teacher – High School
To view the postings and apply, please go to https://richmondcsd.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
For Questions contact : jthiel@richmond.k12.mi.us

Ms. Hann’s class made “friend wanted” posters describing the type of friend they are looking for. Students then read each other’s posters to see if they would make a great friend to someone else! If they felt they fit the qualifications, they lifted the sticky note to reveal the name of a potential friend!

6th grade scientists in Ms. Churchill’s class reviewed lab procedures that will be used throughout the year. Using play dough, they created a model for their classmates to guess the rule. They were so creative! Â

Mrs. Mayer’s Science classes completed their first skills lab of the year today!