Board Policies, Administrative Guidelines, and Forms
A copy of the Board Policy and Administrative Guidelines for Richmond Community Schools is available for public review in the office of the Superintendent, located at 35276 Division Road, Richmond, Michigan 48062.
Series 1000: Policy Overview, Mission Statement, and Definitions
Board Policy
Administrative Guidelines
District-approved Forms
1100 Policy Overview
1101 General Policy Statement
1200 Mission Statement
1201 Mission Statement
1300 Creation, Amendment, and Posting of Policies
1400 Definitions
Series 2000: Bylaws
Board Policy
Administrative Guidelines
District-approved Forms
2100 Official Description, Purpose, and Board Organization
2200 Board Powers
2300 Board Member Conduct
2400 Board Membership and Duties
2402 Acceptance of Office and Oath of Office
2402 AG Legal Guidance Document (Dated 2022-10-25)
2402 FORM Acceptance of Office and Oath of Office
2500 Board Meetings and Open Meetings Act Compliance
3000: Operations, Finance, and Property
Board Policy
Administrative Guidelines
District-approved Forms
3100 General Operations
3101 Insurance
3103 Copyright Compliance
3104 School Cameras and Monitoring
3106 Booster Clubs, PTOs, and Other Support Groups
3106 FORM Booster Clubs, PTOs, and Other Support Groups - Revised 2024-08-26
3110 Data Breach Response
3112 Hours and Days of School Operations
3113 Social Security Numbers
3114 Litigation
3115 Non-discrimination, Anit-Harassment, and Non-Retaliation including Title IX and Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act
3115 FORM1 Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Complaint Form
3115 FORM2 Sample Notice of Nondiscrimination
3115A Definitions for 3115 Series
3115B Designation of Coordinators
3115C Supportive Measures
3115D Informal Resolution
3115E Grievance Procedure and Remedies
3115F Complaint Dismissal and Appeals
3115G Additional Requirements to Prevent and Address Pregnancy Discrimination
3115H Training Requirements, Record Keeping, and Policy Notice
3116 District Technology and Acceptable Use
3116 FORM1 Agreement for Acceptable Use of Technology Resources Elementary Students
3116 FORM2 Agreement for Acceptable Use of Technology Resources Middle and High School Students
3117 Intellectual Property
3118 Nondiscrimination Covenant in Contracts with the District
3118 FORM1 Title IX Sexual Harassment - 1 - Formal Complaint Form
3118 FORM2 Title IX Sexual Harassment - 2 - Documentation of Supportive Measures
3119 Experimental or Pilot Programs
3120 Intentionally Left Blank
3200 Finance and Borrowing
3201 Accounting
3201A Financial Management for Federal Awards
3202 Budgets and Truth in Budgeting-Taxation Hearings
3203 Deposits
3204 Investment of Funds
3205 Disbursements
3206 Property Tax Levies
3207 School Activities Fund
3208 Surety Bonds of District Officials
3209 Debit-Credit Cards
3210 Borrowing
3211 Post-Issuance Tax Compliance
3212 Post-Issuance Disclosure Compliance
3213 Electronic Transactions of Funds and Automated Clearing House Arrangements
3300 Facilities, Real, and Personal Property
3301 Purchasing and Procurement
3302 Acquisition of Real Property
3303A Commemoration of School Buildings, Facilities, and Objects - Approved 2018-03-26 as 7250
3303A FORM Commemoration of School Buildings, Facilities, and Objects - Approved 03-26-18 as 7250F
3304 Use of District Property
3305 Sale or Lease of District Property
3306 Construction Bidding
3307 Construction Administration
3308 Distribution of Printed Material and Advertising in School
3309 Bus Inspections
3400 School Safety and Security
3401 School Cancellation, Delay, and Early Dismissal
3402 Drills, Plans, and Reports
3404 Communicable Diseases
3405 Bloodborne Pathogens
3406 Integrated Pest Management
3407 Asbestos Management
3408 Firearms and Weapons
3409 Intentionally Left Blank
3410 Opioid Antagonist
3500 FOIA Request and Record Retention
3501 Freedom of Information Act
3501 AG Michigan Freedom of Information Act Procedures and Guidelines
3501 FORM1 Sample FOIA Request Form
3501 FORM2 Certificate of Non-existence of Public Record
3501 FORM3 Standard Form for Detailed Itemization of Fee Amounts
3502 Record Retention
4000: District Employment - Coming Soon
Board Policy
Administrative Guidelines
District-approved Forms
4100 Employee Rights and Responsibilities
4200 Employee Conduct and Ethics
4300 Non-Exempt Staff
4400 Professional Staff
4500 Administrators-Supervisors
4600 The Superintendent
5000: Students, Curriculum, and Academic Matters - Coming Soon
Board Policy
Administrative Guidelines
District-approved Forms
5100 Student Rights
5101 Student Expression
5102 Lockers
5103 Search and Seizure
5104 Age of Majority
5105 Collaboration with Outside Entities
5106 Intentional Left Blank
5200 Student Conduct and Discipline
5201 Investigations, Arrests, and Other Law Enforcement Contact
5202 Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Against Students
5203 Hazing
5204 Student Appearance and Dress Code
5205 Student Handbooks
5206 Student Discipline
5206 FORM04 Letter to Parent - Board Hearing Referral
5206 FORM05 Recommended Board Motion and Minutes Language
5206 FORM06 Board Resolution-Possession of a Firearm in a Weapon-Free School Zone
5206 FORM07 Board Resolution-Possession of a Dangerous Weapon-Not a Firearm
5206 FORM08 Board Resolution- Physical Assault against Employee Volunteer or Contractor
5206 FORM09 Board Resolution- Physical Assault against Student
5206 FORM10 Board Resolution- Bomb Threat-Similar Threat
5206 FORM11 Board Resolution - Arson-CSC Conduct
5206 FORM12 Board Resolution - Other Offenses
5206 FORM14 Letter to Parent - Following Board Hearing
5206 FORM17 Board Resolution- Reinstatement of an Expelled Student
5206A Due Process
5206 FORM19 Due Process - Hearing Rights and Procedures
5206B Students with Disabilities
5206C Reinstatement Following Expulsion
5206D Enrollment Following Misconduct at Another Public or Nonpublic School
5206E Suspension from Class, Subject, or Activity by Teacher
5207 Anti-Bullying Policy
5208 Student Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy
5209 Student Use of Cell Phone and Electronic Communication Devices
5210 GPS Tracking Device with Audio Surveillance Capabilities
5212 Registered Sex Offenders
5213 Personal Protection Orders Against Students
5300 Student Enrollment, Attendance, and Records
5301 Compulsory Attendance, Absenteeism, and Truancy
5302 Enrollment in Kindergarten
5303 Student Enrollment and Withdrawal
5303 FORM1 Student Enrollment Form
5304 Nonpublic School Students; Part-Time Attendance
5305 Schools-of-Choice
5306 Foreign Students
5307 Homeless Students
5308 Protection of Pupil Rights
5308 FORM1 Protection of Pupil Rights
5400 Curriculum, Instruction, and Parent Involvement
5401 Parent-Guardian Involvement in Education
5402 Communications with Parents
5403 Rights of Non-Custodial Parents
5404 Free Textbooks, Materials, and Charging of Fees and Fines
5405 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy
5406 Title I Funds
5408 Intentionally Left Blank
5411 Student Promotion, Retention, and Placement
5412 Class Rank
5413 Senior Recognition
5414 Completion Certificates
5415 Summer School
5416 Homebound and Hospitalized Instruction
5417 Homework
5418 Grades
5419 Reading Assessments, Instruction, Intervention, and Retention
5420 Sex Education
5421 Work-Based Learning Experience
5500 School Sponsored and Extracurricular Activities
5501 Fundraising Activities
5502 Student Government
5503 Bulletin Boards and Other Student Postings
5504 School-Sponsored Publications and Productions
5505 School Attendance on Days of Scheduled Activities
5506 Field Trips
5507 Extracurricular Activities
5508 Extracurricular and Athletic Trips
5509 Public Appearances of School Groups
5510 Student-Initiated, Non-Curricular Clubs
5511 Secret Organizations
5600 Student Support Services
5601 Special Education
5602 Independent Educational Evaluation
5602 FORM3 Independent Educational Evaluation - IEE - Response - Deny Request
5602 FORM5 Suggested Sources for Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)
5603 Section 504
5604 Student Assistance Process
5700 Student Health and Safety
5701 Abuse and Neglect
5702 Student Illness and Injury
5703 Medications
5704 Student Insurance
5705 Emergency Anaphylaxis
5706 Intentionally Left Blank
5707 School Wellness Policy
5708 Do No Resuscitate Orders
5709 Lice, Nits, and Bed Bugs
5710 Student Suicide Prevention
5711 Toilet Training
5712 Concussion Awareness
5713 Immunizations and Communicable Diseases
5714 Threat Assessment and Response
5715 Student Oral Health Assessment
5800 Miscellaneous
5801 Closed Campus
5802 Student Transportation
5803 Student Driving and Parking
5804 Work Permits
5804 FORM1 - Work Permits for Under 16 Years Old
5804 FORM2 - Work Permits for 16 and 17 Years Old
5805 Student Audio and Video Recording
5806 Recording of District Meetings
5807 Flag Display and Pledge of Allegiance
5808 Family Night