Accessibility and Usability Standards

Meet some students and parents with disabilities and learn how they interact with and use technology.

Learn about alternative text and why it is important for people who cannot see photographs and graphic images.

How to check for sufficient color contrast, and why it’s important.

Explore fundamental concepts of testing for keyboard access and visual focus indicators, barriers typically missed by automated checkers.

Forms can be a useful way of collecting information from your users. Do you know how to make sure everyone can use them?

All about links: how they are used in navigation, labeling concerns, and distinguishing them from surrounding text.

Dive deeper into manual testing, and see what can happen to navigation and content when web pages are enlarged by people with low vision.

Learn about form fields and buttons used on web pages, and how to test them for specific accessibility concerns.

Do you need to use a data table on your web page? If so, learn how to appropriately format table content to ensure everyone can understand your data.

Check out what can go wrong when web pages don’t follow a logical reading order for people who rely on keyboard navigation and screen readers.

What to think about when using color to convey information.

Learn how to use heading structure on a web page so everyone can navigate your content with ease.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

OCR Compliance Examples: