CARE of Southeastern Michigan
31900 Utica Road
Fraser, Michigan 48026
Richmond Community Schools partners with CARE of Southeastern Michigan to provide support for all students.
Does your child or student have difficulties at school or in other social settings?
Have you noticed a change in your child or student’s behaviors and / or attitudes?
Are you concerned that your child or student may be using alcohol or other drugs?
CARE of Southeastern Michigan understands the struggles that families are facing today. Despite all efforts, when a family is in crisis because of substance use or social and emotional health concerns, there is a greater likelihood that a young person will experience difficulties. Student Assistance offers students and their families guidance and support. Student Assistance Clinicians specialize in at-risk issues such as substance abuse and mental health problems. A qualified Clinician will conduct initial screenings and assessments to determine the extent of a student’s problems and provide resources to best help the student and their family. Students and families will receive assistance in gaining access to the most appropriate service for their area of concern.
+ 1 (586) 541-CARE (2273)
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
Referral Checklist
When authorized Richmond personnel make a referral to CARE of Southeastern Michigan, the following procedure will ensure a more efficient process:
1. A Release of Confidential Information form with a parent / guardian signature must be obtained before any information can be shared between CARE of Southeast Michigan and Richmond Community Schools. Make sure the student's name is printed on the first line.
2. Referral Form should be clear, accurate, and have detailed information regarding the reason for the referral. the authorized district personnel to refer students are (1) Superintendent, (2) Director of Human Resources, (3) Principals, (4) Deans of Students, and (5) Director of Student Support Services.
3. Follow-up information will be given to whomever the referring or authorized district personnel indicated on the referral form.
4. In urgent situations, contact Clinical Director before sending the referral. Please contact the Superintendent's Office for Clinical Director telephone number.
5. Referral and Release of Information forms should be faxed to CARE's confidential fax number: +1 (586) 541-2274 or emailed to referrals@careofsem.com.
6. Parents / Guardians must contact CARE to make the appointment by calling +1 (586) 541-2273. The Clinic Director will contact the referring district personnel if the parent/guardian has not made contact within two weeks of the receipt of the referral.
7. District personnel must clarify with families that they will be receiving an evaluation / assessment, not treatment or psychological testing. A referral for treatment services will be made when clinically appropriate.