Teacher Evaluation Process and Instruments
The Handbook for Enhancing Professional Practices by Charlotte Danielson

Overview of 2013 Framework for Teaching by Charlotte Danielson

Evaluation Instrument - Teacher

Evaluation Instrument - Counselor

Evaluation Instrument - Instructional Specialist

Evaluation Instrument - Therapeutic Specialist

On Thursday, August 8, 2024, the following administrators were training/calibrated in Charolette Danielson’s Framework for Teaching, by Dr. Nashett Garrett, Framework Specialist from the Danielson Group, as required by law:
Heidi Mangune, ES Principal
Michael Gibson, ES Dean of Students
Jennifer Marella, MS Principal
Paul Knight, MS Dean of Students
Andrea Szabo, HS Principal
Becky Borwick, HS Dean of Students
Aimee Rioux, Director of Student Support Services
Billie Sczepaniak, Director of Curriculum and Educational Services
Brian J. Walmsley, Superintendent