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Richmond High School Main Entrance

About Richmond Community Schools

The Richmond Community School District is located on M-19 between I-69 and I-94 at 32-Mile Road. Richmond serves as a regional hub, servicing a primary center of commerce centered between Port Huron and Mount Clemens. Business composition is well diversified. The city provides three shopping districts. The rural setting leaves residents with a hometown atmosphere while never lacking the benefit of modern conveniences.

At Richmond Community Schools, we provide a quality education that empowers students to be successful in a global community.

  • It is necessary that all students are prepared for the future.

  • All students are capable of success, and learn in different ways.

  • Students should have a clear understanding of their goals and how to reach them, and they can rise to the challenge set before them.

  • Inspired teachers are necessary for learning, and the entire staff enhances the education of the children.

  • All people deserve to be valued and treated with respect.

  • School is a place where every student feels safe and welcome.

  • Family support is crucial to each student's success.

  • Community support is essential to educating every single child.

Every student is engaged in creative thinking and problem solving, and possesses the skills necessary to achieve individual goals.


Richmond High School
35320 Division Road
Richmond, MI 48062
(586) 727-3225

Building Square Footage: 139,633

Building Additions: 2020, 2014
Original Building Built:

Richmond Middle School
35250 Division Road
Richmond, MI 48062
(586) 727-2509

Building Square Footage: 104,450

Building Additions:
Original Building Built:

Will L. Lee Elementary School
68399 Forest Avenue
Richmond, MI 48062
(586) 727-2509

Building Square Footage: 75,305

Additions: 2020, 1996
Original Building Built:

Transportation Building
35352 Division Road
Richmond, MI 48062
(586) 727-1150

Building Square Footage:

Building Additions:
Original Building Built:

Board of Ed. & Administrative Offices
35276 Division Road
Richmond, MI 48062
(586) 727-3565

Building Square Footage:

Building Additions:
Original Building Built: