Richmond Community Schools

Dear Students, Parents, Guardians, and Staff,


I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the same excitement and enthusiasm that I am experiencing as we conclude the first week of school. It is with immense pleasure and pride that I reflect on the positive and thrilling events that have unfolded during this week.


The start of a new school year is always a time of great anticipation, and I am delighted to report that our first week was nothing short of exceptional. Our dedicated educators, support staff, and students have come together to create an environment of learning, growth, and community that is truly inspiring.


Here are some highlights from our first week back:


  • A Warm Welcome: Our schools were adorned with colorful decorations and warm welcomes, setting the tone for an inviting and inclusive learning environment. The smiles on the faces of our staff and students were truly heartwarming.
  • Innovative Learning: Our teachers have already begun engaging students in innovative and exciting ways, fostering a love for learning from day one. Whether it's interactive lessons, hands-on projects, or creative classroom setups, our commitment to providing a top-notch education is evident.
  • Safety First: The health and well-being of our school community remain a top priority. We have implemented comprehensive safety protocols to ensure that our schools are safe places for everyone. Our students have shown great responsibility in adhering to these guidelines.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Our extracurricular programs have kicked off with enthusiasm. From sports teams to clubs and organizations, there are countless opportunities for our students to explore their interests and passions beyond the classroom.
  • Community Engagement: Our parents and guardians have been actively involved in the first week of school, especially attending Blue Devil Night last week. Your involvement is invaluable and greatly appreciated.


As we look ahead, I am confident that this year will be filled with growth, achievement, and unforgettable experiences for all. The first week has set a positive tone, and I am excited to see what the rest of the academic year has in store for us.


I would like to take this moment to thank our incredible team of educators and support staff for their dedication and hard work. Your commitment to our students is truly commendable.

To our students, I encourage you to embrace every opportunity to learn, grow, and make lasting memories during this school year. Your potential is limitless, and I have no doubt that you will accomplish amazing things.


To our parents and guardians, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. Together, we will continue to provide them with the best possible educational experience.


I wish everyone a fantastic and successful school year ahead. Let's continue to work together to make our schools a place of inspiration and excellence.



 Brian J. Walmsley, Ed.S.
