You Got a Minute

August 31, 2023

Dear Richmond Community Schools families,


As August draws to a close and the 2023-2024 school year is upon us, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to a new method of communication I’ll be using to keep our families updated throughout the school year.  In conjunction with the pending launch of our newly formatted website, I’ll be reaching out monthly through a superintendent’s message.


The new communication will provide an avenue by which I can inform, update, inspire and, maybe now and then, make you laugh. It may be used to recognize our staff members or students. It might be used for rumor control, if necessary. It may be used to talk about school safety, or I might draw attention to National Spinach Day. In any case, the message will be housed on our new website which is expected to be launched very soon. In keeping it on the website, the information will be automatically archived so that previous month’s entries can be easily accessed.


As you know, the first day of school is less than a week away. If your household is like mine, you’re wondering where the summer went. While the pace in the school district slows a little when school lets out in June, the first week in August activity picks up quickly with students attending band camp and our athletes practicing for fall sports. Our staff engages in training and professional development and the final touches to bond projects take place. 


With the start of each new school year, I am reminded of the strong connection our schools have to the entire community. I am reminded that it’s an opportunity for a new beginning for some (our kindergarten students) and the start of the final chapter for the Class of 2024.  My point is, in Richmond Community Schools our goal is to meet every student where they are on their learning path and to treat every person who engages with our schools with dignity and respect. The concepts may seem simple, but I believe they deserve repeating as we launch into a new school year.


I know I speak for the entire Richmond Community Schools staff when I say, we’re so excited to be welcoming our students back!  We’re ready for another great school year and hope that our students are excited too.



 Brian J. Walmsley, Ed.S.




Tuesday, September 5, 2023

First Day of School for K-12 Students

Half-Day of School


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

First Day of School for Preschool Programs

Full-Day for K-12 Students