Lee Elementary uses the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) model to communicate and encourage school-appropriate behaviors. The purpose if this model is to establish clear expectations and to encourage a sense of community in which we play a positive role in our school’s success and safety. Our program utilizes a proactive approach in defining and supporting appropriate behaviors to create a positive learning environment.
As a staff, we have established school-wide expectations and a system of positive reinforcements to be implemented throughout the school. Lee elementary has created the acronym, B.L.U.E., which stands for:
Be Respectful
Live Responsibly
Use Caution
Everyone Belongs

Students are acknowledged for establishing the behaviors that we expect by receiving a Blue Ticket. Students that receive Blue Tickets will have the opportunity to receive a small reward in the classroom and be entered into a drawing for a larger reward each Friday. All students earning a Blue Ticket throughout the year will be entered in drawings during the end of the year PBIS assembly. We will be celebrating positive behavior and reinforcing that Lee Elementary is a community that is respectful, responsible, safe, and where everyone belongs.
Lee Elementary PBIS Behavior Matrix
PBIS Monthly Moral Focus Topics:
September- Respect
October- Self Control
November- Gratitude/Thankfulness
December- Leadership
January- Honesty
February- Kindness
March- Wisdom
April- Encouragement
May- Perseverance